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Evaluate properties based on Spatic's 100+ location data like population, demographics, competitor locations, footfall and accurate Revenue prediction customized for your business.
Predict the Revenue potential of different sites at 90%+ accuracy
Analyze the health of a locality based on multiple factors relevant to your business
Understand the Demography of the catchment
Calculate the market size of your target segment in the catchment
Analyze the presence and performance of your direct & indirect competitors
Identify Top performing businesses & brands in the locality
Measure the peak time & non-peak time footfall in these locations
Presence of apartments, property prices, num of units, rentals, num of households
Understand the future growth potential of the locality based on upcoming residential, commercial & infrastructural projects
Presence of competitors, complimentary businesses
Apartments, Corporates, etc.
Predict the Revenue potential of different sites at 90%+ accuracy
Analyze the health of a locality based on multiple factors relevant to your business
Understand the Demography of the catchment
Calculate the market size of your target segment in the catchment
Analyze the presence and performance of your direct & indirect competitors
Identify Top performing businesses & brands in the locality
Measure the peak time & non-peak time footfall in these locations
Presence of apartments, property prices, num of units, rentals, num of households
Understand the future growth potential of the locality based on upcoming residential, commercial & infrastructural projects
Presence of retail brands across categories, competitors and complimentary businesses
Apartments, Corporates, etc.